MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , v. 2019, p. 1-12, 2019. Abstract This paper describes a variant of the Periodic Capacitated Arc Routing Problem for inspections in a railroad network. Inspections are performed by vehicles over a time horizon on which some stretches need evaluation more frequently than others due to its use. Each car can evaluate one stretch per day without being attached to […]

Sfeir, T. A. ; PÉCORA JR, J. E. ; RUIZ, ANGEL ; Lebel, L. . Integrating natural wood drying and seasonal trucks’ workload restrictions into forestry transportation planning. OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2019.

Abstract: This paper explores how the consideration of two important practical aspects related to transportation in the forestry industry, wood moisture content and seasonal limitations on the maximal truck’s payload, may lead to savings in procurement costs. To this end, it proposes a multi-period mathematical formulation that decides on the location of potential stockyards and […]